America's White Women Problem Part 1
I think it is safe to say that if Americans can agree on anything it is that America is feeling particularly fucked right now. As to the specifics of that fuckitude, well, that depends on who you are talking to. Like if you are talking to someone who thinks we should not put babies in cages or if you are talking to someone who says "well maybe that baby should have thought about that before deciding to be born also abortion is murder brown people just shouldn't fuck."
That being said, I have felt particularly helpless in witnessing the emboldened spate of racist behavior toward people of color perpetrated by white women since 2016. Many of the POC I follow are asking things like "white women can we talk?" or "white women can you get your people together?" How, HOW to begin to communicate to white women how to be better allies without alienating people new to the conversation without drowning out voices of color but while affirming them? Truth is, there is no way to begin without dissecting the problem first. So I am starting at the top with what will (hopefully, if I don't get lazy) be a series unscientifically and totally biased-ly exploring America's problem with white women.
America has a problem. Specifically, a white woman problem. In part one of this series we will discuss one particular type (of many) of problematic white woman. The kind of white woman applauded by the conservative right. The racist dog whistling white women. The victim performance white women. The OUTRAGED white woman. Like a sad misguided moth immolating in the flames of a burning cross, these white women have a definitive life cycle.
The Outraged White Women begin their life cycle around age 20. They are top performers in the White Woman Outrage machine and are the mouthpieces of perceived white persecution. They all fit a certain formula:
1. White
2. Actually, Proudly White
3. Obediently thin
4. Blond
5. Do not contradict men
6. Do not challenge men
7. Serve to reinforce stereotypes
8. Racist but gaslight about it
9. Love guns
10. Take any criticism of their positions as a personal attack on their very way of life and very publicly share their outrage and perceived victimization.
The youngest members of the White Outrage Machine are the "Hot Outraged White Women." They take the most unapologetically insane positions and do so the loudest.
The most revered of the Hot Outraged White Women is Tomi Lahren, to whom it seems a personal affront that people of color both exist and want civil rights simultaneously, has built a career on being racist and then demanding that snowflake libs answer "why is that racist?" while screaming over them, her baby blue eyes alive with anger and resentment. She is outraged.
Here she is outraged that California is a blue state:
Here she is again outraged that people are opposed to putting children in cages:
Poor Tomi. Look at all the outrage she has to do:

Every single one of these screengrabs remind me of the girl on my high school swim team who had a tanning bed in her basement and was always shouting at her dad to stop "lawyering" her.
Then of course there is Kaitlin Bennett (Kaitlin with a K of Kourse). Kaitlin is a right-wing hero for carrying her semiauto on Kent State's campus, suggesting while doing so that if the 4 student protesters at Kent State had been armed maybe they would not have been killed. By the National Guard. Also LOL remember when 4 people getting shot was a big deal? That literally happens every day now and doesn't even make the news most of the time. Kaitlin is a less-hot Tomi Lahren and her positions are even less informed. She apparently believes that things are not easier for white people than people of color, oddly not grasping that she strutted around a college campus with an AR 10 and lived to tell about it.
Here she is performing outrage that...Democrats are treated better than Republicans or maybe that she is mad that people say white privilege exists?
Also she does not understand memes AT ALL.
These white women have capitalized on the DW Griffith trope of the helpless, pure white girl, at constant risk of being sullied at the hands of a person of color. They are so pure, so blond, so brave, sieg heil.
Eventually, though, these women age out of their "hot outraged white woman" phase and graduate to "kind of hot for an outraged 35 year old I guess" co-hosts on Fox News phase. Megyn Kelly is a great example of this - too old for the right wing guys to consider "hot" but still keeping it tight and incredibly racist.
Like here, when she insisted that Santa, WHO IS NOT REAL, is white. Also in this clip she insists that Jesus, who was a real person, was a white man. He was not. He was, in fact a Middle-Eastern man.
Megyn was a star Outraged White Woman Over 35 because her law degree gave her some credibility. But then she got that lesbo haircut and criticized the dear leader. The ensuing fallout from Trump's rebuke of "blood coming out of her wherever" earned her an offer at NBC. Her show is now a low-rated milquetoast daytime talkie. Her fall from grace was both predictable and spectacular - like when the wight walkers take one of the dragons in Game of Thrones. The softball interview with Putin served to show us that she was not competent in anything other than Outraged White Lady journalism, which serves her little at a moderate outlet.
Then of course, there is the final phase of the life cycle of the White Outrage Machine™ Outraged White Woman. They are old enough now that none of the men they work with will bother trying to objectify them, and thus are offered a position at a conservative think thank or in the white house. Now a wraith of their former hot outraged white woman selves, they posit "alternative facts" and unabashed racist ideals. They can state their Outrage™opinions without getting the base all hot in the pants.
Take for instance Kellyanne Conway who, when not making jokes about Fox News pundits being anorexic, is fear mongering about brown people, lying about how the government works, and criticizing actual reality.
And then of course, the oldest living Outraged White Woman, The Queen of the Damned herself, Ann Coulter. No one knows exactly how old Ann Coulter is, but legend has it she has existed in this realm for millenia.
Among the many odious ideas she posits, she has espoused that women should not have the right to vote, that Muslims should all be converted to Christianity, that 9/11 widows were enjoying the loss of their husbands, and, in her most recent ploy for media relevance, that the children at the kiddie internment camps are child actors. Between Sandy Hook, Parkland, and the Southern US border we have such a strong child acting economy! Do child actors pay taxes??
It is not a secret to anyone in opposition to the Trump regime that this is an administration of falsehoods and doublespeak. Outraged White Women are an integral component of it - providing the facade of a voice for a demographic whose male members are actively trying to silence women.
That being said, I have felt particularly helpless in witnessing the emboldened spate of racist behavior toward people of color perpetrated by white women since 2016. Many of the POC I follow are asking things like "white women can we talk?" or "white women can you get your people together?" How, HOW to begin to communicate to white women how to be better allies without alienating people new to the conversation without drowning out voices of color but while affirming them? Truth is, there is no way to begin without dissecting the problem first. So I am starting at the top with what will (hopefully, if I don't get lazy) be a series unscientifically and totally biased-ly exploring America's problem with white women.
America has a problem. Specifically, a white woman problem. In part one of this series we will discuss one particular type (of many) of problematic white woman. The kind of white woman applauded by the conservative right. The racist dog whistling white women. The victim performance white women. The OUTRAGED white woman. Like a sad misguided moth immolating in the flames of a burning cross, these white women have a definitive life cycle.
The Outraged White Women begin their life cycle around age 20. They are top performers in the White Woman Outrage machine and are the mouthpieces of perceived white persecution. They all fit a certain formula:
1. White
2. Actually, Proudly White
3. Obediently thin
4. Blond
5. Do not contradict men
6. Do not challenge men
7. Serve to reinforce stereotypes
8. Racist but gaslight about it
9. Love guns
10. Take any criticism of their positions as a personal attack on their very way of life and very publicly share their outrage and perceived victimization.
The youngest members of the White Outrage Machine are the "Hot Outraged White Women." They take the most unapologetically insane positions and do so the loudest.
The most revered of the Hot Outraged White Women is Tomi Lahren, to whom it seems a personal affront that people of color both exist and want civil rights simultaneously, has built a career on being racist and then demanding that snowflake libs answer "why is that racist?" while screaming over them, her baby blue eyes alive with anger and resentment. She is outraged.
Here she is outraged that California is a blue state:
Here she is again outraged that people are opposed to putting children in cages:
Here she is imploring POTUS to keep putting children in cages (seeking asylum is legal BTW - so her cries about "illegals" are factually inaccurate). POTUS "caving" on illegals here means no longer being in violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Which we currently are. Effectively putting her in the pro child abuse camp.
Poor Tomi. Look at all the outrage she has to do:

Every single one of these screengrabs remind me of the girl on my high school swim team who had a tanning bed in her basement and was always shouting at her dad to stop "lawyering" her.
Then of course there is Kaitlin Bennett (Kaitlin with a K of Kourse). Kaitlin is a right-wing hero for carrying her semiauto on Kent State's campus, suggesting while doing so that if the 4 student protesters at Kent State had been armed maybe they would not have been killed. By the National Guard. Also LOL remember when 4 people getting shot was a big deal? That literally happens every day now and doesn't even make the news most of the time. Kaitlin is a less-hot Tomi Lahren and her positions are even less informed. She apparently believes that things are not easier for white people than people of color, oddly not grasping that she strutted around a college campus with an AR 10 and lived to tell about it.
Look at her not being shot at by police!
Here she is performing outrage that...Democrats are treated better than Republicans or maybe that she is mad that people say white privilege exists?
Also she does not understand memes AT ALL.
I have literally never made that face. Also she left the libtard logo on there whoops.
These white women have capitalized on the DW Griffith trope of the helpless, pure white girl, at constant risk of being sullied at the hands of a person of color. They are so pure, so blond, so brave, sieg heil.
Actual footage of Tomi Lahen's fan club
Like here, when she insisted that Santa, WHO IS NOT REAL, is white. Also in this clip she insists that Jesus, who was a real person, was a white man. He was not. He was, in fact a Middle-Eastern man.
Megyn was a star Outraged White Woman Over 35 because her law degree gave her some credibility. But then she got that lesbo haircut and criticized the dear leader. The ensuing fallout from Trump's rebuke of "blood coming out of her wherever" earned her an offer at NBC. Her show is now a low-rated milquetoast daytime talkie. Her fall from grace was both predictable and spectacular - like when the wight walkers take one of the dragons in Game of Thrones. The softball interview with Putin served to show us that she was not competent in anything other than Outraged White Lady journalism, which serves her little at a moderate outlet.
Then of course, there is the final phase of the life cycle of the White Outrage Machine™ Outraged White Woman. They are old enough now that none of the men they work with will bother trying to objectify them, and thus are offered a position at a conservative think thank or in the white house. Now a wraith of their former hot outraged white woman selves, they posit "alternative facts" and unabashed racist ideals. They can state their Outrage™opinions without getting the base all hot in the pants.
Take for instance Kellyanne Conway who, when not making jokes about Fox News pundits being anorexic, is fear mongering about brown people, lying about how the government works, and criticizing actual reality.
People have questions
Among the many odious ideas she posits, she has espoused that women should not have the right to vote, that Muslims should all be converted to Christianity, that 9/11 widows were enjoying the loss of their husbands, and, in her most recent ploy for media relevance, that the children at the kiddie internment camps are child actors. Between Sandy Hook, Parkland, and the Southern US border we have such a strong child acting economy! Do child actors pay taxes??
It is not a secret to anyone in opposition to the Trump regime that this is an administration of falsehoods and doublespeak. Outraged White Women are an integral component of it - providing the facade of a voice for a demographic whose male members are actively trying to silence women.
Next time, we will discuss white women who are Outraged that people exist and are also black. Until then, stay mad.
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