A Microcosm of the Conspiracy Theory
I have accidentally stumbled on something rare, something beautiful. A gift. I had a front-row seat to a very cordial conversation between two 5G conspiracy apologists. I am minding my business, trying to unwind from a 10 hour-straight work monday and I get an email notification that Nextdoor is popping off: there is a weird noise somewhere. Anyone know what makes this particular yet vaguely-described noise? I love a good weird noise mystery so naturally I dove headfirst into what may be one of the wildest nextdoor conversations in the history of the app. The OP with an anime avatar asks about the high-pitched noise he is hearing. Normal nextdoor convo starter. A seemingly, also normal, response from a dude I'll call J follows. Seems reasonable. MTA bus depots are hella loud. Mystery solved, everyone resume perusing the free stuff section. But then, a curveball. P chimes in with his thoughts on the situation: Excuse me? It is, he states definitively, without a hint of skeptici